thought I did alright with the impact of the Yon Kippur War
divided it into;
immediate effects (consolidated land gains)- cemented the fall of PAN - loss of Arab cooperation/Arab disunity/Egyptian-Israeli Disengagement Agreement
differing policies of both Labor and the emerging Likud
changing nature of the PLO and evolving forms of diplomacy - also acted as a catalyst for its greater recognition after Lebanon invasions/Sabra-Shatila/Intifada (brief)
crystallisation of the Oil weapon and greater international involvement -such as beginning of the peace process with the Camp David Accords - link a bit to Madrid/Oslo (brief)
but at the same time also a decelerator of war with the greater emergence of "splinter" groups like Hamas, Hezbollah
Overall - adding to the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict
What do u guys think?