Assistance Required for a Subject Preference (1 Viewer)


Jul 14, 2008
At Home...
I decided to consider Music for the Prelim Course and HSC Course for 2010 and 2011. I do play the Piano and I find that I am quite competent, however I don't see myself as the next Mozart in the Making or those who dedicate their lives to Music and spend their days on the AMEB prescribed course. I am in 4th Grade under the AMEB Practical component of the course, and I'm having a hard time in choosing either Music 1 or 2. Could some care to provide a detailed outline on both courses however I do know, it is recommended by various School Music Departments that you should do around 6th Grade + AMEB to sufficiently complete Music 2.

I also wanted to know the performance component in the course. Do you choose whatever piece you like? Do they mark you similarly like the AMEB. Because I find the school's marking in Year 9 and 10 are very straightforward, effortless and the majority of the times, significantly imprudent. You can at numerous occasions, break up the given chord, play arpeggios where necessary or add octaves to bass notes and play what is not prescribed to you. On the contrary, AMEB and to me private musical education is beyond meticulous and rather more instructive and ultimately more commendable at the end of the day. Also in school, we’re given a free option in any pieces and in the AMEB, it is very meticulous and selective of the pieces with composers like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin and so forth.

Is there a significant difference in Music 1 and Music 2. I heard that you don’t even have to know your harmonic relationships, your scales etc in Music 1. Is 4th-5th Grade AMEB tantamount to Music 2 or Music 1? Also for compositions, do you have to create a complete composition, utilising given concepts or something?
Thanks in Advanced :)
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