All ATAR estimates are unreliable, whether issued by your school or on this site. Using stats on past school marks is one of the least accurate ways of estimating a persons ATAR. My school used this method to do our estimates and what ended up happening was people were either way over-estimated or way under-estimated. My mate who was coming first in legal studies was estimated to get 89 for Legal, because that was the top mark in the previous year's class, whilst the person coming second in legal was estimated at 86 and third at 84. In our HSC, my mate got 96, 2nd got 91 and third got 90.Don't ask BoS. Most of us don't know shit. Get some stats on past school marks, and plug your estimated marks into an ATAR calculator.
So you want him or her to go from our educated estimates... to his or her own most likely biased estimated marks and to plug those into an ATAR calculator?Don't ask BoS. Most of us don't know shit. Get some stats on past school marks, and plug your estimated marks into an ATAR calculator.