a friend gave me daemon tools but he gave me the wrong version. i have xp and he gave me 2000. i didnt know until i installed because it was just titled setup.exe or something. it wont let me uninstall it and everytime i log on to windows an error message says something like "cant find scsi drive"or whateva...
i tried system restore as well and the fucker wont restore at all...i tried quite a few restore points and they all completed unsuccessfully.
now i cant even go online properly. when i open the aol browser to log online a mesage says its installing "the required network adaptor files. it then proceeds to log on...unsuccessfully twice. the third time it logs online but the only thing i can do is send and recieve emails (on the aol email system). i cant log on to msn, browse, upload or download anything...
my computer is dying...