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B Creative arts- performance? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 18, 2009
Just wondering who else is doing this course and if so what day! Pumped for audition!? Lol should be good fun!


Feb 16, 2008
YES! i'm doing it. very nervous.
have you got your piece/song prepared? are you singing with accompaniment or acapella?


real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
I've just finished my first year of the course, and should be helping out with the auditions some days. Which dates are you on?


Feb 16, 2008
Oh that is so cool Absolute! I'd love to meet you man. Mines 9am on the 23rd Nov.
Any advice? How are you finding the coures? Is it hard to get in to? Tell me all about it! =D It's been my dream to get into for the past 2 years...I didn't know you did it!


real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
Let me start by saying that while I'm doing the performance course, I'm one of the few students who are doing production, as opposed to acting. That is the creative path I wanted to take. However, I still spend all my time with the actors, and went through the audition process just like them.

My advice is to be adaptable to what they say. If they ask you to redo something in a different way, do it. They need to know how well you can respond to instruction, and take their advice. If you can't, there is no point in being in the course. Also, if your audition piece has swear words in it, make sure you say them. They don't want to know how well you can sensor yourself. To elaborate, apparently someone delivered the piece "Shopping and Fucking" (written as Shopping and F***ing) as "Shopping and F-star-ing". Needless to say, they didn't make it into the course. Also, be confident, but not arrogant. Above all, don't go telling everyone all the shows you've done or experience you've had. It won't win you any favours with anyone.

Pick a song that will show of your vocal range, but one that your comfortable with. It is important that you are confident with it. They understand that not everyone is a great singer, and they take this into account. Also, if you've never done vocal scales before, try practicing them before the audition day. You may get asked to do a few of them. If you have music to bring with you, make sure it's piano sheet music, and in the right key.

The course itself is really good. It's very geared towards independent theatre, with a strong emphasis on the post-dramatic. Be prepared to go out of your comfort zone very early in the course. It's one of those courses where they will usually reward you for taking risks. As for the number that get in... this year was the largest yet, with 43 actors getting in. I believe it was cut down from 150 or so, maybe more.

And that's about all I can think of at the moment. Feel free to message me with questions, or post them here.


Feb 16, 2008
Oh wow...I'm doing "Shopping and F***ing"...I didn't even think about how I would say it..thank you so much!! Is that an overdone piece from the list?

Do most people sing with the accompaniment? Or acapella? I'd like to sing with the piano but the only sheet music is a crappier style of the song that I'm doing which I'm not used to. Are there any over done songs? Do people normally do pop or musicals? Do they allow you to sing all the way through or stop you half way?
Is it in front of other applicants or in a seperate room? How big is the panel? Do they interview you after either the song or performance - what kinda stuff do they ask?

Are there any other parts of the process? Like an assessed warm up and activity beforehand?

Thank you SO MUCH for this info. It is GREATLY appreciated.


real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
I'll break down your questions into parts:):

Is that an overdone piece from the list?
Because its such a short list, no piece is really more overdone than any other. Make sure you rehearse as much as possible. Don't just do it in your head. Physically stage it (but no set or props obviously), and pay attention to your delivery. Make sure that you can pronounce each word properly.

Do most people sing with the accompaniment? Or acapella?
Varies from person to person. Pick whatever your comfortable with. I choose Acapella, because I could do it how I wanted without fear of the piano causing problems. If you don't have the proper version of the piano music, then I'd suggest Acappela, as you can rehearse it more often, as you don't need someone to play the piano part. Also, you can adjust the tempo to whatever you want.

Are there any over done songs?
Funny story. I changed my song the day of the audition, once I was there. Turns out the girl who went in before me did the same song. :) As for overdone songs, I suggest you read:

MusicalTheatreAudition.com - Overdone Audition Songs

This is a list of commonly overdone songs. However, if you can do one of them well, then don't let that stop you from using it.

Do people normally do pop or musicals?
A lot do musicals, as you can put a degree of character into it. However, it is in no way an obligation.

Do they allow you to sing all the way through or stop you half way
What I suggest is that you only do a short segment of your song (say, 1 verse, bridge, and chorus). That way, you'll leave an impression with your song, without needing to be cut off for going too long. Have a second song, or more of the first prepared just in case. However, it is highly unlikely you'll need it.

Is it in front of other applicants or in a seperate room?
You go into a seperate room. It's the main performance theatre.

How big is the panel?
Panel will consist roughly of:
1. Head of Department
2. Sub Head
3. Singing Coach
4. Movement Teacher
5. Character Teacher
6. Production Teacher
7. One to three students from my year.

There may be a couple of others, like Honours students, or additional lecturer. Try and make eye contact with the people asking you questions, and make sure to try and focus your attention on each of them at some point. You will probably only get questions from one or two of them.

Do they interview you after either the song or performance - what kinda stuff do they ask?
As above, they will ask you questions. You'll do the song, then the performance. Then questions. Things like:
Why do you want to do this course?
What are your theatre interests?
Who inspires you?
Where do you see yourself in the future?
Most inspirational theatre experience?
What experience have you had?
Approximate ATAR?

Are there any other parts of the process? Like an assessed warm up and activity beforehand?
You will do a movement exercise. Don't try and parody their instructions(especially if they ask you to do a slow race [you'll see what I mean if you get it]). You'll also do a group based task. Don't go for stupid jokes, play strong characters. This will all happen aften your solo audition. Most likely after lunch.

That said, bring lunch and water. A book or an iPod could be useful as well. Also, get talking to people. It's likely some of them will make it into the course, and its good to know someone on the first day.

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