Originally posted by Wohzazz
xiao1985---- sorry dude, i don't really get what you are saying
What is cp? And can you put it in plain english the differences. From what i understand, i can see the only difference is that adv maths seems more restricted (to maths)
ops, sorry... cp = credit points... it's like units ... you had to do 10 units at least for year 12 right??? cp is sorta equivalent in uni...
normally, first year course are worth 6 cp... aprt from maths which worth 3 each... a 24 cp per semester will usually give you a full time study, although apparently, u can go for more... (a fwnd is considering 30!!!! wut craziness!!!)
for a normal science degree, you need:
math1XXX 3cp
math1XXX 3cp
some science junior 6cp
some science junior 6cp
elective 6cp
for first semester....
for adv science, you need at least half of your cp's to be in adv level... so you don't HAVE to do adv maths...
but in adv maths, the course structure is some what hilarious:
rest the same as above...
so you HAVE to do adv maths courses to do b sci(adv maths)
first year, esp first semester, there aren't much difference, cuz there are not really that many choices...
in usyd, you can choose from linear algebra and diff' calculus for maths (normally you need to choose 2 maths any ways, so you don't get to choose at all for maths in first semester)
and for science junior core, you will pretty much have:
chem1A adv
life science chem
and one for pharmacy as well, i believe...
chem 1a ssp (... =( still can't get ova it!!! >.< ')
and alot more choices in physics and biology i believe...