This is a link to the table that I got off the education faculty, which I'm hosting myself.
There are a few mistakes scattered about here and there. The one for me was in the first year bio/geo table. If you wish to do a physical geography major, ensure that you move the 2CHEM/PHYS to year 2 and do a maths unit and a geoh unit.
There are probably a few more mistakes in there, but essentially from what I remember (I've since picked my subjects), the environmental and earth sciences (which is what I'm doing) had quite a few spaces left for other electives in the 3rd and 4th years. I'm going to be doing a physical geography major (as I said above), but I'll be making sure I have enough chemistry in my 3rd and 4th years, so I can go on to teach both Earth and Environmental sciences and chemistry.
I guess if you really want to do safety science or psychology, go for it, but I'm not too sure it will be beneficial for you if you want to become a science teacher at the end of it.
Having said that, I hope to see you around. And as a point of interest, I look at that information they display on the NSW website on the BSc/BEd handbook entry, and it's not very easy for us newbies to understand, they should really do something about that.
Once again, thanks to this Paul Ayres guy for helping me out to begin with by giving me the table.