Its not about using a "kid" text, i know people who use picture books. There is a fine line between something that is "sophisticated" and something that is not. Babe is rather a sophisticated text in regards to a child audience. Similar to fairytales, theyre aimed at a young audience, but have little messages inside of them, and because of these messages (or morals of the story), it allows them to be sophisticated on a different level. I can think of many ways of how Babe is an imaginative journey
+The use of anthropomorphism is used to portray a pigs journey to self realisation, awarenes and specutlation about the world he lives in
+The characterisation of the pig breaks stereotype as pigs are portrayed as "dumb" and "stupid", whether as in the movie, the pig, also the protagonsit, is illustrated the hero. This sends out a message (theres a technique for a story having a "moral" to the story, i forgot what its called) to the audience and allows the audience to be inspired as well as question their own motives.