Bachelor of Psychology (1 Viewer)

= Jennifer =

Active Member
Oct 11, 2003
sydney's inner west
straight from uws website..

We offer courses that combine advanced academic knowledge with real-life training to suit a range of career needs and interests, and provide high quality psychological education to meet the requirements of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and NSW Psychologists' Registration Board for the training of psychologists in NSW.

Students can choose the discipline area from which to approach their studies - the arts or the behavioural and social sciences - and can pursue specialist training in clinical, forensic, and educational and developmental psychology.

National graduate survey data indicates that most of our graduates are successful in finding continued full-time employment or progressing to further study, and the Australian Government has ranked psychology among the leading growth occupations.

The knowledge, skills and training gained through studying psychology provide a sound basis for careers in areas where well-developed research and analytical abilities are vital, and where strong communication and interpersonal skills are needed.

Graduates who have studied psychology find employment in the public sector, the health and community sectors and in the private sector in areas including:

health and human services
social services and welfare
community and non-government services
employment and training
management, marketing and public relations.
Professional qualifications in psychology for graduates with fourth-year and postgraduate training open up additional employment opportunities in areas including:

clinical and health psychology
forensic services
child and adolescent services
rehabilitation and disability services
organisational and management services
private consulting practice.

Areas of Expertise
The interests and expertise of our staff are diverse. The school’s strengths in teaching and scholarship are in:

applied and critical health psychology
applied cognitive psychology
social psychology and social processes
clinical and forensic psychology
educational and developmental psychology.
The school has an active research culture which encompasses a range of theoretical and epistemological approaches, in both applied and pure psychological research, with expertise in a range of methods, including experimental, quasi-experimental and qualitative research, and a strong program of postgraduate training, including PhD and Masters in psychology programs.

We have two professional practice centres – the PsyWest: Western Sydney Psychological Health Clinic and the Psychological Test Library. These centres provide first-rate teaching and research facilities for students undertaking professional practice training, and are a significant community resource.

The school has a reputation for delivering high quality, academically strong, professionally relevant undergraduate and postgraduate awards. The teaching philosophy adopted by staff embeds their extensive research and clinical experience to help equip students to work, research or study in a variety of psychology related areas. The school offers:

distinctive and professionally relevant undergraduate and fourth year programs
diverse options for postgraduate professional training
internationally competitive programs of research and postgraduate research training.

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