- - How a man goes looking for a right computer chair but never seems to find the perfect one until he goes home and finds his old chair still there, so when he sits on it, everything lights up and he has found his one true love, his old, comfy chair.
- - How the blue chair always seem to stand out from the yellow chairs until it got packed away and been placed into a new room... with blue chairs.
- -The purpose of a chair is for a person to sit on it, however no one ever sat on this chair because it was never a chair in the first place, it was a tree trunk. It wasn't until a carpenter came by and transformed the trunk into a chair that this chair began to feel its identity formed at last.
- What about.. how the color yellow always wanted to be like the color green. Then blue came by... AND BAM. Green. C;
Anyways, I can keep going with these personified characters haha but what you can do get your ideas going is brainstorm. With something broad then begin to input more details such as...
-Gender -- > Woman ---> Works in a very masculine environment (Construction perhaps) --> Tries to Belong
-Gender ---> Woman --> Sport ---> Woman justs wants to do a little Martial arts but her family life and social expectations prevents it from happening.
-Appearance --> Identity --> Man wants to find his place in the world after gaining 105 kg in a month.
etc etc.. Do you see where I am getting at? Anyways, yeah, basically just brainstorm what you got and most likely you'll eventually find what you want and you can then elaborate on it more! Hope this helps c: