biology or economics? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 18, 2024
hi everyone,
i'm in year 10 and picking my subjects for next year. i'm planning on having 13 units - I'm doing SLR which is offered as a year 11 only, 1 unit subject so that I have the option to drop maths extension if I'm struggling. these are my planned subjects:

- english ext 1
- maths ext 1
- chemistry
- modern history
- slr
- either bio or economics?

i didn't take commerce in years 9/10 but the eco content looks interesting and useful for life outside school. the issue is i have no idea how i'm going to do or if i'll be disadvantaged because i didn't do commerce. bio also looks interesting but i've struggled with it a bit in year 9, and we haven't started year 10 bio yet. also, there's only 1 good bio teacher who i have a 1/3 chance of getting. i was chatting to my friend in year 11 and she said that i could choose bio and if i don't get my preferred teacher, switch around my subjects and do economics instead.

i'm really unsure about my career paths but i'm considering medicine/sciences or law. i'm aiming for an atar in the mid to high 90s. my mum is a doctor and she didn't do bio and said that it isn't necessary to do medicine but i've heard that it's helpful. any advice on what the two subjects are like and what i should choose?

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