Hi, I suppose I can help a bit. For starters, I got a 92 in the HSC exam but my internals (trial marks) let me down despite having a good rank so I ended up getting an 88 ;-;.
I'll share with u how I studied for the HSC which I think is pretty effective (I will say though, that the bio HSC exam was quite easy for my year - 2024)
First of all, theres no point in memorising the content and textbooks if your not understanding it. I suggest regularly revising your work after class and summarising it all on a book or doc. This keeps your memory fresh though revision, and it also ensures you have a reliable set of notes from class. I also recommend watching youtube videos with visuals to make sure you truly understand the content/concept. For example, I struggled with understanding Meiosis and Mitosis, and the multiple stages etc. To rectify this, I extensively analysed diagrams, made my own images/diagrams, and memorised acronyms such as PMAT (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase).
Another thing I did (for my other subjects as well) was to write key concepts or difficult/complex process on palm cards. That way, I had something small to read wherever I go. I often read them in bed before I sleep, so that way, I sort of 'slept on' the info. It sounds weird but it worked for me.
Another thing that definitely helped was doing past papers. And I mean doing LOTS of them. I saved the actual HSC past papers for last (I did them in the 3-4 weeks leading up to the HSC exam) and did trial papers from other schools/companies. you can access them here:
There's no point in cramming in info if your not testing your knowledge. Anyone can memorise the process of meiosis, but how well can you explain it? Make sure you do timed responses and be strict with marking. No half marks or leniency. keep on doing questions until you get full marks. In a way, by completing those papers, not only are you testing your knowledge, you are also revising and rewriting it down.
Lastly, I would advise against pulling an all nighter. My strat was, in the 1-2 weeks leading up to the exam, I would compile notes into one google doc so that i had all the relevant information in one space. these were often dot points and diagrams which I merely wrote just for me to remember- These were seperate to my actual notes. I would write down everything I can remember (organised by the relevant topic/unit/module) and compare it against the syllabus and my main notes to see if there were gaps in my memory. In the final 2 days before the actual exam, my notes would/should be done and i would spend up until around 10-11pm just reading and explaining the concepts to myself. Sometimes I would stand in front of the mirror and 'teach it.'
Ig thats all I can say for now. Some of these strats may seem weird or unusual, but they worked for me (especially for other subjects like english and sor). Just make sure you start finding a good routine/study method early so that way you can good better results early on.