what cyan said
the bit you don't understand is:
if a tape is not totally blank, if you have another lecture recorded on it or if you have music on it, you have to MAKE IT BLANK before you use the dubbing machines. otherwise you will have music and a lecture on the same tape.
this is annoying because sometimes you tape a lecture, then listen to it and want to reuse the tape. but before you reuse the tape you have to record blank over it.
thanks for the link, it's handy. that is the list of subjects that have webct. webct is th eonline teaching facility, you log in and they might put lecture notes up, they have message boards whicha re very useful.
some subjects also have the lectures uploaded to the net to webct. that means for these subjects there will not be tapes in the library, you will instead be able to download the lectures to your computer. they take a botu a day to be put up, it's much more efficient!
how many clashes do you have? it'll be fine as long as you're prepared to listen to the lectures at home
that might be a list of the subjects that have webct enabled.