A lot of my students asked me the same question .
You only use the AOS discovery unit for paper one which is your unseen comprehension , creative and an essay question related to your core text and a related text . The comprehension has unseen texts and you are expected to detail how they relate to discovery .Your creative is based around the syllabus for discovery with an unseen stimulus and your story links to a concept listed n the syllabus. Finally you write an essay on discovery based around a question such as:
Discoveries can affirm or challenge an individual’s previously held attitudes and beliefs.
How accurately does this statement reflect the ideas represented in your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of your own choosing?
Each section allows 40 minutes and is worth 15 marks and is the same paper for advanced and standard
Then when paper one is done that is the end of discovery as AOS . However your English exam is notfinished . You return the next day to do paper 2 and three essay questions on Modules A B and C . You have mentioned comparisons for Module A (advanced) and your essay will involve looking at comparing the two texts you are studying . Then you will write one for Module B and inModule you will have one text and a related .
This time Advanced and Standard do different papers but they do them at the same time . You have 40 minutes to do three essays ( 2 hours in total) and each is worth 20 marks for a total of 60
I have also sent you a private message if you need further information