OK. NOw is the time (now the HSC Ips have been handed in) to tell us who you cast in the roles that the play requires.
I did MYTH, PROPAGANDA et al...
Talbot: Socratis Otto
Eve: Leanna Walsmann
Margurite: Emma Lung
Jack: John Wood
Amy: Annie Maynard
Stan: James Millar
Jill: Anna Lise Phillips
Max: Damien Rice
Man: Philip Quast
All of them had performed for/with Company B at some point! None were in the original production!
I did MYTH, PROPAGANDA et al...
Talbot: Socratis Otto
Eve: Leanna Walsmann
Margurite: Emma Lung
Jack: John Wood
Amy: Annie Maynard
Stan: James Millar
Jill: Anna Lise Phillips
Max: Damien Rice
Man: Philip Quast
All of them had performed for/with Company B at some point! None were in the original production!