**blu_rose** said:
i got an offer for communications/journalism in uws and it wasn't my first preference so i'm not too happy
i just wanna know from ppl who r currently studying whether they enjoy it and why it would be wiser to choose uws over macq in this field
my older bro does this course so i hear a lot from him about it..
from what i understand - the course is regarded as one of the best... its ranked up there with all those private colleges...
its much more practical as opposed to theoretical compared to other unis...
employers seem to think highly of the way it's taight and the content taught.
the comm (jour) course is pretty broad... you can specialise in a lot of areas and you get to do a lot of practical stuff 1st year... my bro does comm/law so his 2nd year = 1st year comm since law takes up half the time... so in tehnically 1st year comm he did a heap of photo journo type stuf ..
assignments all look interesting and fun and relevant as in - you go to events and do an article and photos and all taht kinda thing for assignments... you do stuff on communications and the law and markteing and history and stuff too
so leaves a lot of options open..
don't know about the mac course - but from what i understand, employers see the private colleges as the best and UWS is placed with them... so i would assume it is a beneficial choice to go to uws for the comm course
maybe have a look at the handbook online and compare with mac's and talk to teh course coordinators at each uni if you're still worried about it?