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Comparitive letter between the texts 'The turn of the Screw' and 'The Others'. (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 22, 2010
So our grade has been given a task to write a comparative letter between 'The Turn of the Screw' and 'The Others'.

Here is the task.

Assessment task 3
Module: Different Representations of Text.
Time: 60 minutes.
Elective: Gothic.
Task: Read the following letter to the “Opinion” section of a daily newspaper and then respond to the instructions below it.

Dear editor
Referring to your article (Tuesday 10th: The New Gothicism), I write to express my view about this dangerous trend in education being foisted on young impressionable minds. These ‘Gothic’ texts are just pulp fiction masquerading as an authentic genre. How can anyone take this so-called genre seriously when it takes its name from a style of architecture? The study of these texts is lunacy, and can only lead to a path of anti-social, rebellious behaviour in an already disillusioned and directionless group. Such irresponsible decisions in the name of ‘enlightened’ education are in reality a commercially driven fad promoted by the likes of Marilyn Manson. The sooner our public authorities withdraw such rubbish as ‘The Turn of the Screw’ and (Good Grief!) ‘The Others’ and replace them with quality non-gothic texts like ‘The heart of darkness’, ‘Othello’ and TS Elliot’s poetry, the better it will be for all of us. Gothicism is little more than cheap thrills for the gullible who mistake the supernatural, horror and terror for artistic expression.

Ignatius Clarke


Write a letter to the editor in response to the above, defending the teaching and learning of the gothic genre in high schools.

In your response refer to the comparative study of the set texts showing how they have contributed to your understanding of the different Gothic-inspired representations of the genre.

You must consider aspects of the conventions, social and cultural values, the role of context and your personal response to the application of the different representations of the gothic concept.

Now I'm not too sure on what to write about, I'm thinking something like this.
1. Firstly address the topic and what I am going to say.
2. Next, briefly explain why he is incorrect and then explain why it is vital that we should keep teaching gothic in our current education system.
3. After that I think I should compare these two texts and show that they are very similar (despite the time period they were made in).
4. I should then conclude this with my personal response. By saying that from experience, the teaching of gothic is important and how the writer is wrong.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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