can anyone explain to me the court heirarchies of the States and Territories? There is a section about it at the end of the Laying Down The Law textbook we use, but my tutor has told me it's not correct, and i don't even understand it anyway
lol...yep...damn school didnt offer it!Originally posted by Ziff
Someone didn't do legal studies in high school
Awesome....anyone know where the Land and Environment Court slots in?Originally posted by santaslayer
Expanded version:
This ones forgotten the Childeren's Court, Coroner's Court and Drug Court.
EDIT: The arrows should be going up, not down. Sorry, it was only a 2 second masterpiece from Word.
Originally posted by Asquithian
that link was a mistake, right?Originally posted by Asquithian
lol! Someone, quick, alert the media! Asquithian made...*shock horror*...a mistake!!!Originally posted by Asquithian
yes yes it was
Originally posted by Asquithian
lol navjeet dont use santa diagram the drug court is in the wrong is the chilrens court and coronors court :|
childrens court and the coroner should be next to the the local court
OK then, the NSW Supreme Court website definitley beats my measley 2003 HSC Legal Studies Excel text.Originally posted by Asquithian
well i can tell ya its in the wrong place!
coronors court is meant to be next to the local court --- the childrens court is next to the local court ---
it even says so in the NSW supreme court website
same level as the supreme court if i remember today's legal studies' lesson.Originally posted by Navjeet
Awesome....anyone know where the Land and Environment Court slots in?