gigi_love said:
hey there i was wondering if anyone knew anything about the creative writing course at MAQ, as im interested in it alot, looks like only other Uni that offers it is wollongong... does anyone kno nething about it? ta..
Heya, I mayaswell start.
There are a few things you can do. B = Bachelor
1. BMedia / (Writing): look at all the specified units and see what you think.
2. BCA (BCreative Arts) (Creative Writing): , you'll have to type in those codes (ENG, etc) in the top left search function. Then you'll get an overview of each and their prerequisites.
3. BCA (Int.) (BCreative Arts (international) (Creative Writing): , I really can't see the difference between 2. and 3., but the latter seems more sought after as it has a higher UAI.
4. BA (BArts) (English, Cultural studies, etc, etc. You chose whatever you like

): that would be my go. Firstly, because you can do a diverse rang of units. Secondly, you can transfer into 1, 2, or 3 if you chose
You just have to do a bit of research, go in on the open day, get booklets (and a sticker!) and ask questions.