Do You Think My Employer-To-Be Will Forgive Me? (1 Viewer)


Mar 9, 2004
I've got several (several meaning 4) interviews on monday all around the city as a receptionist or telemarketer. I just got a call from another, and it was for 11am Monday. Being in the car, I wasnt my perfect phone-self, so the only things i scribbled down were where the interview was, when and who to speak to.
The interview is in surry hills

It was 4:45pm when I said goodbye and that I'd look forward to it, then I realised I had another interview at 10am in pyrmont. 10am Pyrmont + interview does not equate to me being on time for the surry hills one, but being in the car and realising I hadn't taken down a number, I wanted to shoot myself.

On the net I found the number and instinctively called it. No answer, as suspected. I'll call them tomorrow but I fear the only time I can contact them and arrange a later time would be monday morning, 8-9am sharp.

Will these employer-to-be's be okay with this? Well, obviously not too happy cuz I want to push it an hour back on the day it happens, but how severe of an impact will this have on me as an employee, in your opinion?

I'll be calling them 2-3 hours before my orginal interview time. I suppose its better than being late.

And what excuse should I come up with? Somehow, me being in the car and not being all there to ask for a number doesnt seem to say anything good about me....


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
Just be honest and say you have been offered quite a few interviews and have been wanting to keep your options have another interview and won't make it in time.

Emphasise that you are very interested in the job though and make sure you give off the impression that if offered the job you'd take it on the spoty, otherwise they're just going to think you'll be offered one of the other jobs anyway.



Active Member
Feb 8, 2004
Location Pyrmont
This happened to me as well, I had one is Parramatta [sales] and 1 in Balmain [that goodcause one].. and i stuffed the Parra one coz with my previosu other interviews, they wouldnt even call me back so i made my decision, but i guess you can t do that.

I was also late for my current co.'s interview and i called them and said the train was late which was true and they were like you can come in at any time before 5pm that day so maybe you should call them and say liek you forgot abotu an even t in your diary and could you plese reschedule the interview for a mroe convenient time for both of you? Haha, my advice contains lies though...

If touve forgotten the number, how did you apply? I applied by email, so iwas looking through my past applications on the internet on seek looking for the ad itself which had the numbers and th name of the co. [i was just like you as well forgetting other things and just rapt that i got a call fom them].

hoep you do well.

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