Dont get Muddled up (1 Viewer)


Feb 25, 2006
Well there are a lot of things that confuse me in this subject and i thought that thats probably the same for many others. And so I have started a list of all the terms I usually get muddled up or that others tend to get muddled up. Feel free to add your own the more the merrier.

1) Judaism
Kaddish: The sanctifying prayer that praises God and asks for Gods peace. Is a prayer said by mourners
Kiddush: The prayers and blessing said over a cup of wine during shabbat.

2) Islam
Sunni : Islamic sect in which the head of the community is not one of muhammads descendants but the best qualified Muslim.
Sunna : All traditions and practices of Muhamamd that have become models to be followed by Muslims. It is the second universal source in Islam that confirms what is mentioned in the Quran.

3) Islam
Salat : ritual prayer performed 5 times a day. The best time to read or recite the Quran is during salat.
Surat: The arabic word for a chapter of the Quran. Is also written as sura

4) Judaism
Halachah: The Jewish legal tradition grounded in the 613 commandments of the Torah.
Havdalah : The prayer of separation said at the end of shabbat.

5) Core study
Inter faith dialouge : bringing together various beliefs in an attempt to promote understandng and tolerance.
Ecumensim : attempt to reduce sectarianism by promoting talks between denominations.

does anyone else have any terms or aspects from the coarse that trip people up ? Please add to this list

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