Drama IP (1 Viewer)

M | |< E

Sep 24, 2004
Northern Beaches
I have just started year 12 drama course and have been informed about my IP. For my IP I will be doing an Applied Research Project and was wondering:

Which area of interest do you think would be best for an applied research project?

Is there a certain area of interest that offers more content for use?

Is there a certain area of interest that offers content that is easy to use/understand?

Any advice would be much appreciated :)


Left BOS 8/7/2005...
Aug 21, 2003
Sydney's South West
Okay, I did applied Research for my IP and I both loved and hated it. It is easily the best and worst IP :p. So finally I get to pass on my advice :p.

Firstly, before you do anything you need to figure out what type of researcher you are. That may sound like a dumb question, but half way thru my project I realised that I was not a hands on interviews, original documents researcher, I am a book, analysis researcher, SO my topic was inapropriate for me. (BTW, I did Company B Belvoir's mission statement and if they still stick by it) I would have been better off doing my original (yet apparently 'boring' and 'done') idea of "The Role of Women in Elizabethan Theatre" which was more of an English topic anyway. So once you figure that out, THEN you can start to narrow topics.

Secondly, look at your other subjects, this is an IP with one of the biggest workloads, but it can be one of the most enjoyable. Don't undertake this project if your already doing analytical research for EE2 or Ext History. So look at it in that sense.

Which area of interest do you think would be best for an applied research project?

Okay, this is the most personal question for your work. No one can tell you this but yourself, BUT I can help you figure it out :p. Sit down, with a piece of paper (or pieces :p) and write down what your most interested in through drama. Write down whatever comes to mind. Australian Theatre, Aborigional Theatre (this was one I wanted to do towards the end), Elizabethan Theatre, Melodrama, Commedia... There are a huge range of topics, but begin with something your interested in, something you have some form of knowledge into. Then branch off from there.

Is there a certain area of interest that offers more content for use?

Anything OLD! :p. OR if you want to do hands on Research, ANYTHING MODERN! :p. That is your biggest thing. Once more its based upon what you want to do. But, don't do Russian theatre if you can't understand Russian or know nothing about Russian history. There will be a mass of information available in the foriegn language that if you cant udnerstand, you cant use. My interests lay with Contemporary Australian Theatre, so i tagged on to a Contemporary Australian theatre company. But, i went to the ends of the earth for research. I searched high and low, read every article EVER with the words Company and B in it!!!! And even went to Canberra to access records! Attaching yourself to a theatre company is great. A friend of mine did Shopfront Theatre for Youth and her essay on Community theatre. Some other good ones would be The Performance Space, maybe Company B (the staff there are great!), I wouldn't recomend STC cause they charge you to use their archives and essentially are a big theatre group. But that stuff is really great!

A Theoretion is also good. Eg. Meyerhold (DON'T - actually I think you cant cause hes on the HSC list). Stanislavski and "The Method" would be a great idea (in my opinion) but once more, he's Russian. Ibsen as a playwright, or maybe even someone Australian like Neil Armfield as a director, Jack Davis as a playwright, Deb Oswald, Louis Nowra, there is so much stuff, but you gotta be a bit more specific :p.

Is there a certain area of interest that offers content that is easy to use/understand?

Well assuming you were raised in Australia, so Australian theatre is ideal! Thats the only theatre I was ever exposed to so ideally, its the one I chose to base my work on.

Do yourself a favour, read stuff on Standards package, Exempler Stuff. One was amazing from 2002, "Theatre in Australia Is Highly Relevant Yet Essentially Exclusive," if you can argue that, your more than fine. You just need that question to argue!

So, PM if you want, or post, If you PM with your msn I can talk to you there about it. More than wiling to read drafts and mentor :p... I love theatre so its no hassle!

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