Originally posted by Winston
Meh i was remoting with him, and all in all i think enabling ICS would be quite impossible without a NIC in his comp lol! ...
Huss: Purchase one NIC, purchase two NICs, purchase a switch, purchase a router, purchase a thousand metres of Cat5e cables, purchase something other than what you've got at the moment.
You are asking for the impossible, if you have:
Connected your PS2 to your cable modem by connecting it through your PS2 USB ports, looked for the Ethernet jack and plugged anything that fits in there, and if you haven't used the Network Access Disc (supplied with your PS2 Network Adapter) properly.
I believe you have a very bad network setup at the moment, or, now that I think about it, you don't even have a network at all! It's just one PC, connected to a USB cable modem, and everytime you (try) to use the PS2 over the Internet (Central Station Network Gaming) then all you are doing is trying to "convert" the PS2 into your PC - taking the cable modem, which uses a USB connection (as you've noted) and plugging that into your PS2 and expecting the PS2 to "become" your new PC (while the PC remains disconnected and offline, while you (attempt) to play PS2 games online.
This is a very bad situation for you, because I would suggest and thoroughly recommend that you setup a network of some sort, even if it's a basic one, have at least TWO Network Interface Cards in your PC, to act as a Gateway, go out and purchase a simple switch, or if you want to, a router will also do the same thing, find out everything you can about OptusNet Cable's Primary and Secondary DNS servers, assign your own (internal) IP addresses to both the PC and PS2 (different IPs), and either setup your own DHCP server on your router and then allow the automatic assigning of (one) IP address to your device, whichever it may be at the time of use. If not, then you are
screwed I'm afraid - this is the same for Xbox Live!
(I have a friend who has a PS2 and Xbox and has trouble connecting both to the Internet, using cross-over cables and a badly configured network, no IP addresses are assigned, they are all automatic, he doesn't know his own DNS servers and has no idea what's going on in terms of ICS, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't).
I am not Sony Australia/PS2 Central Station (Online) division technical support,
or OptusNet Cable Internet support.