English Speech! (1 Viewer)

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
Here is the english speech we have to do in four weeks.

Students are to prepare a 4 to 6 minute speech on a poet/poem of their choice. The presentation is to respond to the following statement:

'Poetry provides an opportuity to reveal and explore commonalities of human experience. Through technique and form it encapulates a unique and evocative commentary on the memories, history and lives of the individuals and their societies.'

> Deconstruct the selected poem focusing on this question.
> Discuss how the poem can be read on a variety of levels (critical interpretation).
> Integrate a reflection on how you believe the study has enhanced you understanding of literature (draw on your studies to give a personal, yet informed opinion).

I have chosen to do John Donne's 'Batter my heart, three person'd God' as I like its weird nature, it is one we have studied in class and it has intrinsic value and textual integrity.

Could someone please try to widdle the above question into a few sentences that link together? It is very hard to understand how everything links together.

It is a VERY layered task in the sense there is SO much to do in so little time.

I understand we have to create a thesis statement which covers all aspects of the task so we can repeat it in the speech.

But I am having trouble about what I should do.

By the way, the poem is about a person whose soul is trying to restore itself from the vices of sin. Donne (the poet) asks God to control him as he can't get anything right himself. He takes on a instructional, commanding tone and is basically crying out for God's power!

Help please :) If you are reading this right now and think to yourself - 'I don't have any ideas about this task this random has to do," please have a go. You might give an idea which acts as the catalyst for a really good idea I need uncovered. The poem is on the thread: "Batter my Heart Ideas."

So everyone - please!

Thanks in advance.


P.S Tash, if you wanna know anything about the assessment task read the above part in italics - that's the task and this thread will hopefully have other ideas very soon!
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May 10, 2007
"Batter my heart, three person'd God; for, you"

BATTER my heart, three person'd God; for, you
As yet but knocke, breathe, shine, and seeke to mend;
That I may rise, and stand, o'erthrow mee,'and bend
Your force, to breake, blowe, burn and make me new.
I, like an usurpt towne, to'another due, 5
Labour to'admit you, but Oh, to no end,
Reason your viceroy in mee, mee should defend,
But is captiv'd, and proves weake or untrue.
Yet dearely'I love you,'and would be loved faine,
But am betroth'd unto your enemie: 10
Divorce mee,'untie, or breake that knot againe;
Take mee to you, imprison mee, for I
Except you'enthrall mee, never shall be free,
Nor ever chast, except you ravish mee.


Mar 8, 2008
North Coast
bored of sc said:
Here is the english speech we have to do in four weeks.

Students are to prepare a 4 to 6 minute speech on a poet/poem of their choice. The presentation is to respond to the following statement:

'Poetry provides an opportuity to reveal and explore commonalities of human experience. Through technique and form it encapulates a unique and evocative commentary on the memories, history and lives of the individuals and their societies.'

> Deconstruct the selected poem focusing on this question.
> Discuss how the poem can be read on a variety of levels (critical interpretation).
> Integrate a reflection on how you believe the study has enhanced you understanding of literature (draw on your studies to give a personal, yet informed opinion).

I have chosen to do John Donne's 'Batter my heart, three person'd God' as I like its weird nature, it is one we have studied in class and it has intrinsic value and textual integrity.

Could someone please try to widdle the above question into a few sentences that link together? It is very hard to understand how everything links together.

It is a VERY layered task in the sense there is SO much to do in so little time.

I understand we have to create a thesis statement which covers all aspects of the task so we can repeat it in the speech.

But I am having trouble about what I should do.

By the way, the poem is about a person whose soul is trying to restore itself from the vices of sin. Donne (the poet) asks God to control him as he can't get anything right himself. He takes on a instructional, commanding tone and is basically crying out for God's power!

Help please :) If you are reading this right now and think to yourself - 'I don't have any ideas about this task this random has to do," please have a go. You might give an idea which acts as the catalyst for a really good idea I need uncovered. The poem is on the thread: "Batter my Heart Ideas."

So everyone - please!

Thanks in advance.


P.S Tash, if you wanna know anything about the assessment task read the above part in italics - that's the task and this thread will hopefully have other ideas very soon!
Aargh! I felt the same way, I got the assignment sent home, and I looked at it and had to go to sleep again it confused me so much. I have jack-all idea what to do, I have deconstructed that "Poison Tree" one and it revolves around 1 idea only. And I have NOOOO idea what to do.
Mind you I'll put up that deconstruction, in case it helps you. It's pretty basic though, and Trirro probably covered what I've done. But OK. I have an excuse. And will I have to do it though??? It's..... lots of work I've been missing. Lots.


Active Member
Aug 11, 2007
It was actually raining today.

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
agua.fuego said:
Aargh! I felt the same way, I got the assignment sent home, and I looked at it and had to go to sleep again it confused me so much. I have jack-all idea what to do, I have deconstructed that "Poison Tree" one and it revolves around 1 idea only. And I have NOOOO idea what to do.
Mind you I'll put up that deconstruction, in case it helps you. It's pretty basic though, and Trirro probably covered what I've done. But OK. I have an excuse. And will I have to do it though??? It's..... lots of work I've been missing. Lots.
You should get a 2 week extension. :) At least.

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
agua.fuego said:
lol, thanks. That'd be nice. Maybe... sub task??? Do you think he'd give a sub task???
probably not - the speeches will take about 2-3 weeks anyway so I reckon so you might just be slipped onto the end of them - so maybe week 4 it may be due for you
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Mar 8, 2008
North Coast
bored of sc said:
probably not - the speeches will take about 2-3 weeks anyway so I reckon so you might just be slipped onto the end of them - so maybe week 4 it may be due for you
stupid logic. why does it have to exist?

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
Please Help!

Here is the poem paraphrased as simple as I can get it - any ideas?????????

Batter my Heart, God, for you only knock, breathe, shine and seek to mend me. So that I am able to attain immortality and enter heaven, overthrow me – go against your usual virtuous actions and break, blow, burn and renew my sinful soul. I, like a conquered town, am captured by the enemy. I am trying hard to allow you to enter into my existence. But oh, forever more the human capacity you gave me to reason/use logic remains a strong vice. I should be fighting against this but I am held captive within it – I am held captive in this weak and untrue characteristic you have given me. Yet I love you and hope you will love me back. But I am married to the devil i.e. I am in deep union with the negative parts of natural world e.g. reason, sin. Divorce me from this i.e. untie or break (alleviate) the knots (my sins) that entangle me (torment my soul). Take me into your kingdom and hold me prisoner (accept my spirit into heaven and restrict its movement to your pleasing). God, when you mesmerise, fascinate, captivate, enthral me I am drawn in and taken prisoner with no escape (I am stuck on you). When you rape me I will never attain purity again (once I am captured by you, everything that used be ‘Me’ will be transformed in whatever you choose; thus I will never be able to go back to the old me – life, mortality, logic, sin etc).

Help would be really appreciated and good karma will result :).

P.S Aerath posted the poem above for you to compare with my synopsis above.


P.P.S Feel free to debunk (disagree) with my meaning above - and prove me wrong.

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