Dumsum said:
What are everyone's opinions on this? I have them (for phys and chem) and have been using them a bit, they've pointed out a few areas that I'm weak in... I know I shouldn't -absolutely- rely on it but it does seem to make revision that little bit easier. What do you think the best ways of revision are? (apart from past papers)
Revision is just that - revision. It shouldn't be learning-what-you-missed-out-on-learning-in-class-because-you-were-bludging. Look over your class notes (in my case, class notes are absolutely useless), make notes on your weak areas, practise extended responses.
Past papers
are extremely important. Use them wisely.
Something else to consider is the chapter exercises in textbooks. At the end of each chapter, or topic, module, etc, there are questions. Answer all of them.
Also, make good use of the syllabus.