Originally posted by Ringo
lol I go to Macarthur Anglican and ranked 1st in Legal. But my Legal teacher doesn't like me
don't you hate that!
...your school is a good one isn't it...i wouldn't know, being from the bay...lol...
...erm here's some cases, legislation, + media i used...
Hope v NIB insurance 94, W v G 94, dunno if i used R v McEwan 96
..fla 75 (divorce + fc), flra 95, re:evelyn 98, re:kevin + jennifer 03, re
atrick, corbett v corbett 70, mat. causes act 59, pavey v pavey 76, re:jean lennon (smh), lone fathers association comments, crimes act 90 and 80's amendments re:sex abuse in marriage + advo's, children + yp (c + p) act 98, children (p + pr) act 97, minors (p + c) act 70, case in paris 01, status of children act 96, csa act 89, laustralian law journal criticisms, blah blah....i gess these kinda lists could go on forever right...
ones i forgot to use...b v b, m and m, grimshaw v grimshaw..crud crud crud...!!!