Gaya3 said:
Do feature articles have to subjective or can they be also be objective. How do you write a good feature article
you can be biased in them - in a feature article the writer is trying to push there point of veiw - say you were writing a peice on an actor and you liked him - you would present him in a good light - however if you did not like him then you would be rather negative in your portrayal.
Feature article - think newspaper. Objective language is what you want. Nothing too emotional!
feature articles are different to newspaper articles - while a newspaper article is informative and is meant to give facts not opinion a feature article uses opionion in it. If you did pick up the weekend papers liftout section which has all those articles you will notice that the tone is alot different - rather more laid back.
I'd prefer to think of a feature article as the authors commentry - in your byline you have to mention that it is such and such reporting - which immediatly triggers that it is a more subjective peice of writing
but dont get too over-the-top. creative, articulate writing is one thing - plain over-the-top emotionally overbearing writing is another