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Feedback on Peace essay plzzz (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 5, 2024
Can someone please give me a mark and feedback for this practice essay please!!! I have no idea if it is right.

Discuss how at least ONE religious tradition guides adherents to live a life in peace.
Christianity guides adherents to live a life of peace (inner and world peace) through the teachings of Pax Christi, agape love and peacemaking in relationships. Inner peace is the harmony and tranquility achieved within oneself, and world peace refers to harmony between the multifacets of society and nations. The central understanding of peace in Christianity as found in the New Testament, is Eirene and refers to the wholeness and oneness of life. Pax Christi (the Peace of Christ), agape love (eternal love of God to humans) and peacemaking in relationships (through forgiveness, pacifism and non-violence) all allow for Christians to live a life of inner and world peace.

Pax Christi guides adherents to live a life of peace by obtaining the inherent peace of humans. Pax Christi translates to the peace of Christ and refers to the peace passed onto humanity by Jesus and is intrinsic to all humans. It is evident in the New Testament, as Jesus' life, ministry, death and resurrection is the source of peace for all, as seen in his profession of peace before his death: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you" (John 14:27). This guides adherents that they can gain a sense of peace by understanding the holy sacrifice of God to humans. Adherents are invited to experience the Divine Peace of Christ and understand the Peace of Christ and His sacrifice: "For God so loved the world that He sent his only son so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). This teaching is crucial in guiding adherents to live a life of peace as they learn that through Jesus' death and the forgiveness of humanity's sins, peace is made accessible to them. Christians are called to replicate this peace in their own lives, which allows them to gain a sense of peace of mind and inner harmony, and thus lead a life in inner peace. Furthermore, through Jesus' death and resurrection, salvation and forgiveness has been made obtainable to the repentant sinner. In order to gain this, adherents are guided to obey God's will through prayer and meditation, trust in His ways, and follow the commandments, allowing them to find inner peace in Him and their faith, ultimately allowing them to lead a life of inner peace.

Pax Christi teachings can also be applied to world peace, and guides adherents to utilise their inner peace to then contribute to world peace. This is seen through the Pope Francis' visit to UAE in 2019 to the Grand Imam of Egypt in which they signed a document to strive for "world peace and mutual understanding" and participated in the kiss of peace along with thousands of onlookers. This shows the spreading of world and communal peace, and how it allows others to spread peace, and thus live a life in peace.

The peace teaching of agape love is paramount to guiding adherents to live a life in peace by allowing them to show love to God and others. Agape love is a central Christian teaching in guiding adherents to display love and forgiveness in their lives to attain peace. Agape love is the unconditional eternal love that God has for humanity and adherents are called to replicate this love to God and others. This is primarily seen in the Commandments of Love: "Love the Lord your God" and "Love thy neighbour as thyself" (Mt 22:37), which are primary to the teachings of Christianity. It is further seen in Jesus' example: "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34), which teaches adherents to follow Jesus' example in embracing God's love and displaying it in their lives. It is also seen in Catholic Authority: "Agape love... is the only way that Jesus has given us to find salvation" (Pope Francis). Agape love can be applied to live a life in inner peace through prayer. Through prayer, adherents strengthen their relationship with God, reflect on and forgive those around them. By strengthening their relationship with God, adherents are able to overcome inner turmoil and conflict by finding comfort and solace in His love, and fight inner evils and emotions. This allows them to live a life with inner peace. This was exemplified by Jesus who taught that "by prayer... let our requests by made known to God, and the peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds" (Philippians 4:6-7).

Agape love can also allow an adherent to live a life in contribution to world peace. Through applying the teaching of agape love and the "Love thy neighbour as thyself" (Mt 22:37), adherents can show love to others, guiding them to live a life of communal and world peace. This was exemplified by Dorothy Day who used her own inner peace to identify severe injustices in society and showed love to all by working closely with the poor, reforming social structures and helping the financially struggling: "We cannot love God unless we love each other" (Day). The teaching of agape love to gain world peace is also seen through the World Council of Churches who use love to break barriers and stereotypes. The 'Mission for the Margins' works closely to advocate for marginalised communities, spreading love and ultimately guiding adherents to live a life in peace through world peace.

The teaching of peace in relationships guides adherents to live a life in peace through forgiveness, pacifism and non-violence. It is evident in Romans 12:18, "Live at peace with everyone", teaching adherents to seek and pursue peace, and in Beautitudes: "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God' (Mt 5;9). This teaching is exemplified by Jesus who guides adherents to live a life of inner peace by forgiving themselves and others. Jesus taught of the importance of forgiveness and not retaliating with violence when he taught to forgive "not seven but seventy seven times" (Mt 18:22) and preached to "turn to them the other cheek" (Mt 5:39). Through forgiveness, adherents are able to gain inner serenity and harmony from the peace of mind, and thus can gain inner peace and live a life in peace.

Peace in relationships can also be applied to live a life in peace through contribution of world peace. Through pacifism and non-violence adherents can promote communaland world peace. This was taught by Jesus who said to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44). This teaching is exemplified by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu who used his own inner peace to bring world peace and equality to post-Apartheid South Africa. He taught of restorative justice instead of retributive justice (showing a lived example of Jesus' "Turn the other cheek" teaching) and brought world peace: "Peace without justice is an impossibility" (Tutu). This example guides adherents to utilise the teaching of peace in relationships to live a life in peace.

Overall, Christianity uses the peace teachings of Pax Christi, agape love, and peacemaking in relationships to guide adherents to live a life in peace. These teachings are derived in the New Testament, and give guidance on both inner and world peace, ultimately allowing adherents to live a life in peace.

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