frontline... just frontline (1 Viewer)


Sep 30, 2004
i dunno but wake me when i get there...
hey lets talk frontline... i have no flippin clue what they want outta this area but i figure that if we review this area of study with memory and talk about it heaps, with reference to questions and stuff then in what 15 and 17 days when our english exams are on we might just have that much more running through our heads so... in saying that we're not just learning the scenes are we... how do we apply it? lol...

now... a question i got was: Any representation of the truth is just someone's version of reality

now i've broken it up according to what i feel the key words are... but still im unsure how to answer it... what am i looking for?


has a fetish 4 handcuffs
Jun 27, 2004
central coast
i think that question is just asking about
the way in which every person interprets the truth in different ways
and different people manipulate the story in a certain way
to suit wat they belive is needed

but don't take my advice this is my weakest module


Sep 16, 2004
hey mittens and smee,
Okay, i typed all this out before but it got wiped, stupid comp.. i'll do it again.
With regards to that question, it's asking how representation can in fact be MISrepresentation due to the inaccuracy of truth. Truth is dependent on personal opinion or past experience and thus there are as many truths as there are people.
"Any representation of the truth is just someone's version of reality"

Okay, well along that idea, you could incorporate how the media can wrongly portray a 'truth' through editing and music, etc.. Also, a strong part of this topic is to recognize that there are two features of truth that cause it to be misrepresented. It can be manipulated, and controlled. It is important to notice that often, the media will manipulate the truth in accordance with other motives, ie sponsors, or control certain aspects of the truth, thus creating bias.
In Frontline's "The Siege", Marty and the Frontline team manipulate the truth in a huge way, esp when Marty says, "just beyond those trees..." when in reality there is a 5km buffer zone. The clothing, performance and editing all contribute to the manipulation, to make Marty appear in potential danger.
A control of truth for eg, is when the Frontline team pay for the legal fees of the gunman, to ensure exclusivity. Their story thus is a huge hit/exclusive and they reap in the financial benefits. Also when Brooke says, "Do you think you could cry again?" she is creating biased content in the interview through emotion, another control.
In "Smaller Fish to Fry", Brian is told to scrap Mike's groundbreaking story on the corrupt bank, due to their sponsors. The execs from 'upstairs' are giving Brian an ultimatum, do the story and lose his job or leave it and deal with more fickle issues. The bank seems to be one of the major sponsors of the Frontline company, therefore we see a massive control. Instead of relaying the truth to the public, they hide it to ensure their own survival. Thus we see via manipulation and control, articles which appear to be truth, but are really misrepresentations. It is important to remember that Frontline is a satire, therefore only REPRESENTATIVE of 'truth in the media' and the biases shown themselves, could be a misrepresenation (too much for my brain too handle)
Upon seeing Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" the idea of the manipulation of truth and the representation of someone's own reality is more clear. According to this 'documentary', every American teenager is a potential killer. A time bomb just waiting to explode with frustration. Although SOME of what Moore has included is fact (some of the stats), this 'truth' has been altered with extreme bias, through the use of music, influential artists (Manson) and strong editing. Thus Moore's representation of what WAS truth turned into a highly biased version of what HE believed to be true. The use of influential images helps turn this movie into more of a propaganda piece than evidence of anything.
Along this path of propaganda, following the election campaign is highly interesting and relates to this topic well. For example, to the Coalition, it may appear as truth to them that Latham is not capable of handling the Australian economy, and using several sources they have turned this into an attack point. Through the use of short and concise ads, big words and a respectful-sounding deep voice, the Howard govt slowly indoctrinates the nation, making them believe an opinion, that Latham is incapable. Thus we see through manipulation of truth, that truth is dependent on the way it is presented, dependent also on the person behind its representation.
Kapeish? Sorry this turned into an epic, hope i didn't waffle on too much
Good luck, let me know if you need anything else.. It's good prac for me :D


narcissistic whore.
Mar 18, 2004
the floor
mittens said:
now... a question i got was: Any representation of the truth is just someone's version of reality

now i've broken it up according to what i feel the key words are... but still im unsure how to answer it... what am i looking for?
you just have to talk about how the truth differs from person to person, due to the fact that people's versions of the truth is based upon their own experiences, opinions, morals, how the truth is subjective and vulnerable to exploitation etc.
Link those ideas to Frontline and your related texts, like how the Frontline team creates their own truth to suit their own purpose- to gain ratings.
The question is just saying, everyone has their own version of the truth and all you have to do is show how this happens in the text and what that ultimately means in terms of "telling the truth"


New Member
Sep 27, 2005
What you have to look at is why the truth is manipulated and how it is done (technique). A good example is Brooke and the lesbian sportswomen's story. She only reports half the story- female netballer dropped becasue of her hetrosexuality- rather than the real truth of her being dropped because of poor form. Brooke manipulates the truth for ratings and the advancement of her own career. The techniques she uses are the omnission of facts, selective editing and the use of a re-enactment.

Remeber to look at what the series as a whole is telling us about the truth and what each individaul episode is.
and quote, quote, quote!!!! and you can't go wrong. ( i may sound slightly crazy but this is what the hsc does to people.)

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