Getting into undergraduate dentistry (1 Viewer)


Dec 25, 2011
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone can answer these questions for me
1) university like csu, jcu and Latrobe don't need UMAT to get into the course, then what do they do to differiantiate those that get in and those that don't? I know that you require a supplementary form and an a ATAR for it but HOW good does your form and ATAR have to be to stand a chance on getting in
At csu it says you need to have a >90 ATAR, but what is the realistic score to have? 97? 98? 99?
2) for the unis that need the ATAR+UMAT to get in, how good does your ATAR and UMAT have to be? People have been saying 99 ATAR at the minimum and 170 UMAT score (which I'm guessing try mean 56.6 for each section?). Those are for the places like uni of Adelaide, UQ etc

As an overall question, what ATAR and UMAT (if there is one) would iI need to stand a good/very good/extremely good chance on getting into an undergraduate dentistry course

Thankyou in advanced and feel free to add any other info!

Please help! :)

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