Did you do the CSSA paper? We didn't, as apparantly it was leaked earlier, or something. err.
I went in expecting the Indochina exam to be strictly on events BEFORE 63 (ie: dien bien phu, geneva conference, diem, diem's assassination) .. it ended up being about how communism affected the US's policies til 73 OR the south vietnamese defeat in 75. I knew what I was writing to an extent, but I didn't go into nearly enough detail because I concentrated on pre-63 in my cramming..
My guess that the Germany question would be on Nazi racism policy or culture was completely wrong aswell, it was actually about the failure of democracy. Which was pretty easy, but again, not specific enough (ie: no historian quotes, doh)
I couldn't make up any quotes because one of our History teachers knows every historian in existance. Seriously. Some people made up quotes in the last exam and she was like "hmm, you used some very interesting historians there.." and then later said she actually looked them up and couldn't find them. haha.
In conclusion, I'm going to go and play World of Warcraft till my eyes bleed.
Then study for Extension English.
Then the other two English exams we are being made to do again.. .. rad.
Oh, and finish my ext2 Major Work.
I wanna stay in school forever