umm... "- Gabor Szego"?
His real name is Derek Buchanan, so I think that means the quote is from Gabor (some guy who is famous for something . . . I've never heard of him
BTW, i haven't seen Terry Lee, but here is my evaluation of the books: (i've only done complex numbers, so this is evaluation of complex numbers topic)
Cambridge: Good questions, but very short exercises. Supposedly covers EVERY type of question that can be asked, but I don't think so. Questions can be hard, but are usually fairly easy once you actually get the hang of the topic.
Fitzpatrick: Waste. Seriously, I finished off the complex numbers chapter without any difficulty, and I haven't even started it at school. I just learned from the examples they give, and did every single question. VERY easy.
AWESOME! looks heaps good, has some VERY challenging questions that even some of the top people on these forums have difficulty with. If you don't believe me, ask me for a question
. Goes a bit extra I think, but thats good if you are willing to study.
So imho do cambridge, but if you want to work hard and alot, do coroneos. Ofcourse ND knows much more than me, so if I were you I'd consider getting the Terry Lee book and checking it out. I already have the excel, cambridge, coroneos and fitz so I don't need anymore, all I need to do is work.
Which i'd better go and do now.