>> for computers I need to talk about magnetic resonance imaging also motors and generators could be made with a weight of about one tenth that of conventional devices for the same output expand on that a bit more. <<
yes, but im not sure if magnetic resnance imaging is really computer-related.
MRI does "appear" in my textbook (guess we're using the same 1..) and doe use computer to process the images but it's not the computer that takes advantage of sperconductivity.
the speed of current processors is limited by the heat produced and by the transmission speed between two pts on the processor or the computer as a whole. supecond film can be used as conductor. supercond material of course generate almost no heat (as it has virtually no resistance). supercond electronic components have achieved switching times of 9 picoseconds... not sure what this means haha.. just copied from the book
And now here's from Excel book (some1 posted a PDF version of the book in the Resources section.. how cruel!! but good for me so I dont need to buy)
"Superconducting switching devices are being tested for use in high-speed computers since they can operate at speeds up to ten times the speed of an
equivalent semiconductor switch."
>> And for transmittion over power lines I would say that it would have basicly no enery loss when transmitting over long distances <<
true, but since the dot pt says "discuss possible applications" you should say that it's possible but not very practical just yet. u need to keep the temp low for the matter to bahave as a supercond.. research is being done to find supercond materials with higher critical temp (the temp at which the supercond characteristics are observed)
and unfortunately those which have high critic temp [which is still around minus 150 celcius haha.. but it's not technically troublesome since u can put flowing cheap liquid nitrogen around the supercond to get it to that temp and it will pretty much stays the same since supercond doesnt emit significant heat] are ceramics, which are brittle and cant be mad into thin wires.
>> Or do I just have to talk about how maglev train works and explaying everything <<
mm if u explain everything dont u also explain the supercond stuff?
also mentions (or perhaps explain.. but maybe not since ur scanned pic says it's only 1 A4 page) ifthat the Meissner effect is what causes the magnet to be levitated.
good luck..
btw my holiday assignment doesnt limit the of pages