I am in year 10 at the moment and I could be possibly aspiring to do my future undergraduate studies in the US. I have been wondering first how do you apply to be a SAT student and second thing, is the SAT any different from the HSC like in the subjects and difficulty, also like what can you study for both at once?
If someone could elaborate more on all of this, I would be really grateful. At the moment I am just fancying my options earlier right now then later. I would love to end up somewhere in America like Stanford or MIT.
I was kinda inspired by this SMH article, Australian HSC students have Ivy League universities in their sights
If someone could elaborate more on all of this, I would be really grateful. At the moment I am just fancying my options earlier right now then later. I would love to end up somewhere in America like Stanford or MIT.
I was kinda inspired by this SMH article, Australian HSC students have Ivy League universities in their sights
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