Originally posted by Jessisbored
You know how a big part of an adolescents life is finding their own identity because it's a time of growth, maturity and finding out who they are and where they stand in society? Could i incorporate those types of questions with problems during this time (adolescence) when finding their own identity?
Of course you can. Not all adolosence can find an identity. hence they could develop a problem.
Since I am doing Psychology this year, and have done Developmental Psychology, I can tell you what you should aim to research on.
You should aim to reseach on personality development on adolesent. such as the Identity crisis.
there are 4 main types.
1. Identity achieved - both identity and crisis and conflict are present. (meaning that the individuals have found their identities after over coming crisis and making a decision about who they are, where they stand in society...the things you've mentioned above)
2. Identity moratorium - absence of identity, and presence of crisis and conflict. (meaning they have not found there identity but has thought about it)
3. Identity foreclosure (presence of identity, but no crisis and conflict) this is like when you follow your parents footstep and not searching for your own identity, thus there is no conflic/crisis involved
4. Identity diffuson (absence of both identity and crisis and conflict).
I hope this will help you in your research. And now you can related to more Society and Culture concepts.