i felt so weird and pervy the first time i went, but after a while you get into it and u dont realise that its a naked person your drawing, they just become an object that you happen to be drawing. but yeah i got a guy once that had pearling done to his penis (pearling is where a piercer (?) inserts a pearl like ball under the layer of skin on the shaft...
www.bmezine.com is eye opening, its a body mod site) and yeah that made me kind of uncomfortable, but im really interested in body modification, which made it worse, coz i stared more than acceptable hehe. Also ive never drawn a good looking guy
drew a really good looking girl, but after that it was kinda downhill, superficially looking speaking. but i think everyone should do it, it really makes you appreciate every *body* not just in the 'i have to say that everyone is beautiful' way, u start to truely believe it.