HSC Maths Online Platform & Resources (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 4, 2018
Hi all, my name is Danny and I am currently a 4th year medical student at UNSW who graduated back in 2020 with a 99.70 ATAR including 99 in 3U maths and 98 in 4U maths.

From my experience going to various tutoring centres (like Dr Du) and tutoring students myself, I often found that students only stayed at tutoring places for the resources rather than the actual teaching, which in group classes was quite average and frankly very expensive.

That's why I've spend the past 2 years developing an online maths platform that specialises in delivering top tier math resources, like the ones you'll find at tutoring centres except far more accessible to most HSC students. This comes in the form of online study booklets that summarise each topic, quiz modules, unique mock exam questions and exemplar written solutions to EVERY exam question (so that you can actually learn from each problem).

The aim is to essentially provide students all the top quality resources that you need to excel in Year 11 & 12, without the tutoring price that often costs around $1000/term. If you'd like, you can check us out for free:

Search "MathifyHSC" on google or @mathifyhsc on Instagram/Tiktok

You can get started with a completely free account. If you'd like, we also charge a small fee on a subscription basis for students to access all our top tier content so that we can continue maintaining our platform and continue developing more resources at scale. Currently, we are offering Year 11 & 12 Maths Advanced only, but hope to continue developing more content now that our new site is live.

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