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HSC Question suggestions (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 15, 2002
What questions do we want to see in the HSC? any subject.

eg. 1 How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? - Maths

2. If the chair is travelling at the teachers head at a rate of 14m/s for a distance of four metres, how long will it take for you to be expelled? - Physics


New Member
Aug 8, 2002
lol. No way the first one's way too difficult!!! j/k

But anything involving teachers and flying objects sounds good to me. lol


New Member
Aug 8, 2002
Picton, NSW
I think that sounds good too! And for IPT- what would be the social and ethical issues of throwing a computer at your teacher after he's been annoying just one too many times?!


New Member
Aug 8, 2002
For Biology:

What are teachers?

d)extra terrestrials


Jul 28, 2002
Kyrgyzstan, Coke Hill College
1) Tran fires an AK-47 which travels at a rate of x=2x^2+3x-2
Find the initial velocity. If the bullet hits a copper wearing a kevlar vest, find the rate it decelerates.

2) Mohhamad has a M4-A1 which has the tendancy to jam every 6 bullets fired. If he shoots a volley of 30 bullets at a cop, what is the amount of catridges (30 b = 1 catridge) that must be dispensed to have a probability of jamming of 1 every 2 bullets?

3) Phong Ngyuen is at Cabbramata with 20 kilios of Heroin up his ass and he sees the cops coming. If they are 50 metres away and due to Phong's ethinicty, he would most definately be searched, and he has the ability to shit 20gs of heroin out of his ass per second and the police walk 2m/s, by the time they reach Ngyuen, how much heroion would still remain in his ass?

Now for some Legal qyuestions
4) If a black, a Puerto Rican and a AZN are caught robbing a bank, critically anaylse their rights in the eyes of the law if the arresting officers are White Americans.

5) Achmed is caught with 12 kgs of C-4, with the intent of blowing up a bus in NYC. What would the judge have to prove to keep him in remand?

Biz questions
6) Vladimir Vostok owns a shady post Soviet business - Nukes 4 cheap. Although his operations are illegal, he has additional expenses of payyin bribes to government officials and police. He has an annual liquidity ratio of 4:1 and solvency of .7:1. Anaylse his profitability if he includes the sale of his nukes in his profit and loss statement.

7) Shady AZN pone deals can get stolen mobiles at a cost of $50 per phone. If operating expenses are $120 per month and street sales are $7000 per month, calculate what his net profit is.

8) Wong runs an illegal immigration service. In China, illegal immirgrants will pay $US 7000 to enter the States. In Afghanistan they can onlky afford $US 50. In order to improve profitabilty assuming expenses are $100 000, how many Afghans and Chinese would Wong have 2 run through his country

9) If the US decide to bomb the fuck out of Iraq in 2 years time, what will this effect have on the fiscal outcome in 2 years time?

10) George Bush invests $100 billion in a new attack wing of MIG 15's. If Monetary Policy is subsquetly tightened this fninancial year, what would be the likely effect on the economy

Thats my 2 cents

Hope i didnt offend any1


New Member
Aug 8, 2002
Very impressive! I think its gonna take me the entire 3 hours just to read those questions! lol


Jul 15, 2002
northern beaches, sydney
you and those damn russians!hehe....

i'd like to see a question for english.

"Did shakespeare really intend for us to delve so ddeply into his play that we have to write a five page essay on the maddness of a old delusional king?"


"Did the producer of such and sucha play decide to dress the characters in metallic charcol grey to emphsise the inner turmoil of the protagonist and his surroundings in a magical mystery world or did he/she simply like the look of it?"

or maybe even,

"Did the use o alliteration in this poem intend to bring out the issues of roman politics in the 1st century BC?"

and god forbid for modern history...

"Does america ever learn from its msitakes (eg vietnam)or will it keep blatently sticking its nose in other peoples buisniness and try to be world police?"

and ancient history

"Do we, in modern times really give a flying fuck why some guy dressed up as a woman and entered a sacred womens buisness meeting?"

oh for the lvoe of god! when does the hsc finish??????


Jul 28, 2002
Kyrgyzstan, Coke Hill College
Originally posted by Lee
you and those damn russians!hehe....

i'd like to see a question for english.

"Did shakespeare really intend for us to delve so ddeply into his play that we have to write a five page essay on the maddness of a old delusional king?"


"Did the producer of such and sucha play decide to dress the characters in metallic charcol grey to emphsise the inner turmoil of the protagonist and his surroundings in a magical mystery world or did he/she simply like the look of it?"

or maybe even,

"Did the use o alliteration in this poem intend to bring out the issues of roman politics in the 1st century BC?"

and god forbid for modern history...

"Does america ever learn from its msitakes (eg vietnam)or will it keep blatently sticking its nose in other peoples buisniness and try to be world police?"

and ancient history

"Do we, in modern times really give a flying fuck why some guy dressed up as a woman and entered a sacred womens buisness meeting?"

oh for the lvoe of god! when does the hsc finish??????
How can i stop baggin those damn russians.... they invaded the mother land and made us part of this so called "Soviet Union".... i didnt see any union in it.....

Hmmm America will never learn.... The Iraqi republican guard will rape all those US .... wait i beter use some euphaism there "UN" (as the US likes 2 make it some1 elses agenda for their own actions) who step into Baghdad. Saddam's got the tech and arms... thanx to those damn Russians... and u cant forget the Krygzstanians....

I was wrong bout da Taliban kickin the US's ass but the Iraqis are more organised and have better tatics this time.... mainly concearning civillians..

And many famous composers of litreture never intened their work 2 b studied so intensvily... "I think Shakespeare did this to convey this...." More like he did it 2 become famous, make a shitload of cash and get a few bangs ;)
Too bad we cant say that in an essay when they ask: "Did Shakespeare write Hamlet to talk about death and the supernatural?"

One mre thing bout the Americans... ppl like 2 use the metaphor "World Police"... however a proper police officer wouldnt turn their heads in another direction if it didnt benefit them EG Look at Tianeman Sqaure and other abuses of Human Rights carried out by China or Russia etc. However they like 2 pick on little countries who have a national army of 2 (EG Afghanistan)
I think there is a misconception of the US bein the world police, but rather the world's most corrupt police..... who gets involved once in a while to show whos the boss but most of the time 2 protect its own interests and if oil is remotely involved.


Jul 15, 2002
northern beaches, sydney
there is nto one board of police that i knwo that is not corrupt, dso then what is wrong with themselves clling themselves world police? arn't police a unit of people who attempt to look good in the pubilc eye by "protecting" others but the public stillactually knows thatg doesn't really happen.....
the only misconception here is not that people think of the us as world police, but that the us think of themselves as world police,,,,hehe. anyway, i'll stop baggin the us. one daythey maight come to some use


Jul 7, 2002
Lower North Shore
hmmm, I'm sure you guys are joking but don't forget that without the help of America in WW2 you can rest assured that Australia would now be Japanese.

...also I think the reason they went after aftganistan was not because they were oppressing their people, or cause they only have an army of 2m but because people from a certain organisation that is accepted by the Afganistan govt. blasted the crap of out the World Trade centre!

By the way, I'm not heaps pro-american I think they're just a little arrogant, thats all....I mean every country is always goin to act in its own interests.....however I'm not into this Iraq thing - I don't wanna finish the damn HSC and then be sent off to fight a fuckin war that breaks out as soon as I turn 18! I hope they start getting over the whole sept. 11 thing soon before they just create more conflict.


Jul 11, 2002
what do you think the point of studying your chosen text is? how well do you believe your teacher prepared you for this essay? how do these factors impact on the rate of suicide in youth studying for the hsc?

If little Johnny Bloggs bullshits on his profile of a developing country, and incidentally exposes its' government's plan to conquer the Australian government, and the marker of the exam is a patriotic terrorist, what effect will this have on the nation that Johnny profiled will be blown to smitherines?

Society and Culture:
does anyone care why?

Visual Arts:
Marks will be deducted for non-responses and incorrect answers
Critically analyse and explain the importance following piece of art:

File not found
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File waiting for copyright approval. Please hold the response of this question until further notice.

If y=sin ^2 x and a man runs the course of this curve from -375<=x<=550 (in kilometres), briefly discuss the effects of global warming, and how many people will care

If John Smith studies for his 4u exam for the 10 hours and has not slept for 48 hours immediately preceeding the exam, what is the chance that his system will shut down after 32 minutes?

If the number of apples on tree x triples from 16 to 48 in 2 days, what is the likelihood that this was caused by:
a) global warming?
b) the russian farmer has been drinking vodka again?
c) the apple thief returning the apples he stole from all those trees and put them all onto the one tree with masking tape?
d) americans are secretly hiding the fact that George W. Bush is a Neo-Nazi?

Business studies
What are the liquidity and solvency ratios of:
a) HIH
b) One.Tel
c) The Taliban
d) Most of Prague

answer to d) most of prague has a liquidity of 100:1, noone has ever seen that much water in a city. 1000:1 if you live in 2/3 of NSW with that drought.
Last edited:


Jul 28, 2002
Kyrgyzstan, Coke Hill College
Originally posted by dissonance
hmmm, I'm sure you guys are joking but don't forget that without the help of America in WW2 you can rest assured that Australia would now be Japanese.

...also I think the reason they went after aftganistan was not because they were oppressing their people, or cause they only have an army of 2m but because people from a certain organisation that is accepted by the Afganistan govt. blasted the crap of out the World Trade centre!

By the way, I'm not heaps pro-american I think they're just a little arrogant, thats all....I mean every country is always goin to act in its own interests.....however I'm not into this Iraq thing - I don't wanna finish the damn HSC and then be sent off to fight a fuckin war that breaks out as soon as I turn 18! I hope they start getting over the whole sept. 11 thing soon before they just create more conflict.
Hmm i agree in some aspects but in others i beg to differ

1) The Japs had already started a war on 2 fronts and I doubt they wouldve invaded Australia..... they were starting to lose territory in China and would need 2 redirect troops there, neglecting the shitty Pacific rim (comon Solomon Islands are a huge threat for them!!!) The US did help the Chinese by opening another front: which i am gratefull....

2) US had right to attack Afghanistan.... provided they gave enugh proof 2 society. But thats all governments..

3) Under the notion of state soveringty, Saddam has right 2 rule over Iraq and its subjects.... the ppl love him and it wont b like a cakewalk like Afghanistan... their fighting real fanatic SOLDIERS... not farmers. Their is no power struggle and Saddam has the tech.... Mig 29's, T72's, T80's, Anti air guns and missiles... the lot!

4) A little arrogant......

5) Then stop calling itself the global police if they are goin 2 act in own interests all the time..... of course they can do stuff 2 better themselves,just dont justify it as good!


Jul 11, 2002
Society and Culture
21. Your school is the biggest crap hole that ever was. Discuss.
22. The HSC is the biggest waste of time. Discuss

only 19 hours left of trials *rock on*

  • Timmay
  • Rocks
  • Best

    hold me
    thrill me
    kiss me
    kill me
    especially the last one
    god damn HSC


Jul 11, 2002
if you are a kiwi, don't read this

10 (a) If Jimmy, a resident of Auckland travels south on the train from Auckland to Wellington at an average speed of 75 km/h on the 20 hour journey, what is the chance that: (all answers as decimals please)
(i) Jimmy's train will cause a sheep to run off of a cliff into the ocean?
(ii) Jimmy's train will hit one or more sheep at top speed?
(iii) Jimmy will see a sheep?
(iv) Jimmy will root a sheep?
(v) Jimmy will spot a sheep hooker on a street corner?
(vi) Jimmy will get a hard-on every time he passes a sheep?
(vii) When Jimmy gets a hard on he will bat for a few innings and knock one of his eyes back into its socket after seeing a few 'beautiful' sheep?
(viii) New Zealand are a bunch of sheep rooters?

(i) Pretty unlikely, with the path they take, there's not much coastline, and there's no sheep in Auckland (0.1)
(ii) Pretty fucking likely: There are so many sheep over there, and they're pretty stupid animals (0.9)
(iii) Almost certainly: There's so many of them, and the only reason that Jimmy wouldn't see one is either he's doing a lot of batting or he's blind from batting. (0.93)
(iv) As long as he is above the age of consent and so is the sheep. Then again that hasn't stopped anyone before. (1)
(v) Low. There's not many streets there, and sheep aren't smart enough to ask for money in exchange for sex. (0.27)
(vi) Pretty high. If he's one of them batter-types, it's certainly a 0.95 at least
(vii) 0.99. He could be a mormon you know... But I doubt it
(viii) 1. It's scientifically proven. I have a BS under my belt.

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