HSC Question... (1 Viewer)


The Power Is Yours...
Nov 6, 2005
Okay, I'm bloody confused. I have been going through the past papers for 1 unit and have no idea what to do with the last question. We did religious rites in class, in particular, rites of passage. But in past years the question has asked you to talk about rites of public worship, or rites of personal devotion. I don't know where "marriage" fits in? Because I'm absolutely screwed if I can't talk about marriage.
Also, for a couple of papers they have just broadly asked you to talk about one religious rite. I really need help because I don't know what to do. We didn't do any other rites than marriage (i.e. rites of passage). Please help!!!!!! Thanks alot.


Has decided to retire
Sep 14, 2003
*Ninny-mole* said:
Okay, I'm bloody confused. I have been going through the past papers for 1 unit and have no idea what to do with the last question. We did religious rites in class, in particular, rites of passage. But in past years the question has asked you to talk about rites of public worship, or rites of personal devotion. I don't know where "marriage" fits in? Because I'm absolutely screwed if I can't talk about marriage.
Also, for a couple of papers they have just broadly asked you to talk about one religious rite. I really need help because I don't know what to do. We didn't do any other rites than marriage (i.e. rites of passage). Please help!!!!!! Thanks alot.

Please tell me you are kidding.

I cant believe teachers are still getting this wrong (if what you are saying is true)

Marriage is one ritual within Rites of Passage
Other ROP rituals include death, initiation and adulthood

The syllabus asks you to examine TWO (at least) "rites" (passage, private worship and public devotion)
Past questions though have indicated that you should be familiar with all three to be on the safe side.

In theory, they cant specify what rite to answer/write about like they have in the past (read two years ago!) as they have moved away from multiple part questions to one 20 mark essay but they can ask you to compare/contrast/examine etc TWO rites (as thats what the syllabus ask for-see below)

If you genuinely havenot studied two rites (which I find hard to get my head around), have a look at the notes section, print off the syllabus and go and abuse your teacher for not teaching the syllabus properly and potentially screwing your HSC up! (depending on your units of course) as 40% of your paper is not something you should screw up!

BTW-it should be noted that the key marks can come from either the third section of teh syllabus (BOLDED FOR YOU)

2001 SOR HSC syllabus-my emphasis

HSC Cross Religion Study 1: Religious Rites
The focus of this study is religious rites.

In the context of this study, ‘rite’ refers to a formal act in a religious observance.
For the purpose of this study, religious rites are divided into three categories:

Personal Devotion and
Public Worship.

Students learn about:
the nature, role and significance of religious rites:
– religious rites as significant acts performed/undertaken by believers in celebrating, symbolising and making present the central beliefs of the religious tradition
– three categories of religious rites:
- rites of passage, eg initiation, funerals
- rites of personal devotion, eg prayer, fasting, penance
- rites of public worship, eg temple ceremonies, liturgies, communion services, feast days, seasons, religious cycles

religious rites and their effect on the everyday lives of believers:
For this section, students are to study TWO specific religious rites from TWO of the categories for TWO religious traditions.
Note: The rites chosen must be the same across each study.
– rites of passage, eg introduction to Sangha/ordination
– rites of personal devotion, eg meditation, nembutsu
– rites of public Worship, eg temple ceremonies, Wesak
rites of passage, eg baptism, marriage
– rites of personal devotion, eg retreats, rosary, daily devotions, Bible reading, meditation and prayer
– rites of public worship, eg Divine Office, Communion service, Lent, Christmas, Evensong
– rites of passage, eg naming and incorporation, upanayana and female puberty ritual, marriage and death
– rites of personal devotion, eg puja, bhakti, meditation, renunciation, arati
– rites of public worship, eg puja, darshan, pilgrimages, hymn singing, Ganeshe Chathurthi, Divali
– rites of passage, eg Adhan, Aqiqah, Adq Nikah, Janazah
– rites of personal devotion, eg prayer, pilgrimage
– rites of public worship, eg worship at the mosque and at Mecca, Ramadan, Eid-al Fitr, Eid-al-adha
rites of passage, eg Brit-milah, Pidyon HaBen, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, marriage and divorce, death and bereavement
– rites of personal devotion, eg Sabbath
– rites of public worship, eg synagogue.

compare and contrast examples from the same religious rites within TWO religious traditions in relation to TWO of the following:
– the nature, role and function of officiating celebrants
– significance of sacred writings
– use of symbolism
– social structure
– human experiences.
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formerly wm_abusef
Jun 23, 2005
so's your face
*Ninny-mole* said:
Thanks....holy shit, I'm in trouble.
its ok dude, u still have some time considering SoR is one of the last exams. hopefully ur timetable give u some time before it, and throughout the examination period to get another rite fairly well :)

the resources on BoS are excellent... use them to ur advantage

good luck!

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