*Katie* said:
I'd say ALP would lose votes, as teh people who vote for ALP are generally 'less educated' and don't have a grasp on economical concerns as liberal is all pro good economy whereas labor is 'let in all teh refugees'. I dunno that's just a call. Please no one hurt me now lol
A number of people who vote labor are middle class intellectuals. People who have been university educated in the last 20 years.
Its a popular conception that less eduated people vote labor. But seriously all that happens is joe ignorant finds himself in a white collar job and feels he should suddenly vote liberal because he has gone up in the world. He is now upper class or at least aspires to be upper class. Hence he should vote liberal. This person is the dunderhead.
Or people who 'think' they are smart decide they should vote liberal because the smart voter votes liberal (massibe sarcasm there)...
Fucking bullshit at the highest level.
The lines of division between who votes alp and who votes liberal have changed. Mainly due to the general apathy of many Australians towards politics and actually understanding it.
And no its not politicians being boring. Its societies ever increasing 'me first' attitude and 'i dont give a fuck about anyone but my self ' attitude. Coupled along with massive consumerism ie buying things to make yourself feel better about yourself. Material things come to be valued over civic responsibility and the importance of government and the role of law makers in shaping the country. Not some fuckwit on big brother or gretel killeen and her criminally cringeworthy scrips or the actors on friends.