Illness in Exams (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 16, 2012
Armidale, NSW, Australia
Hey Everyone;

I recently sat my half yearly examinations within my school. Instead of spreading the exams out to take up two weeks, they are shoved into four days, with two exams scheduled each day, and some individuals have different exams on at different times. It's a pretty trying time for some people who don't deal with exam stresses all that well.

I had an Ancient History exam on the Wednesday morning, and a Mathematics examination in the afternoon. I started to develop a headache nearing the end of my Ancient exam, and in the preceding hour before my next exam, it got considerably worse. I took painkillers which were inaffective and went into the exam a bit worse for wear. Around halfway through my Maths exam, my headache got so bad that I started to feel sick from the pain.
I wasn't sure what to do, and so tried my best to finish the end of the paper and finish what I could, whilst being distracted frequently by the pain and trying not to be sick in the middle of our exam.
I did not bother appealing the result, even though I knew that I cold have done quite a bit better in the exam had I have been able to concentrate at the time, but being internal assessments and not trials I did not think it was worth getting a doctor's certificate and appealing the exam result. Another classmate was also sick, and when she told our curriculum coordinator, he told her to simply do the exams she had that day, and this is advice he has repeatedly told us throughout prelim and the HSC.

I am just wondering if anyone else has found themselves in a similar situation and what they did about it; did you appeal it or let it slide knowing you could have done better?

Your thoughts would be appreciated :)



I completely agree with you; I guess you could speak to your teacher about this and tell her that you could not concentrate in the exam and ou felt sick, so you couldn't really concentrate to finish the paper. I mean they if you teachers are nice and really care, they should allow you to re attempt the paper.

I mean what mark did you get and what rank for the exam. probable, I can give you some advice depending on your mark/rank for the subject.

Don't stress, because stress will do nothing. Just think about this way " I should ace the exams from now on" get off Facebook, anything that distracts you from studying. Guess at the end, it would be the student who have put in the hard work, will you get a high Atar. SO you are competing with all the kids at your school and other school for a high Atar.

Don't just give up, you have the trails and HSC to increase you Atar. Just remember no one is perfect, even those kids in James Ruse, are currently working their ass off to even get 90% in exams. This could be you motivation, so you don't get distratcing while working hard and getting your ranks up.
Apr 30, 2013
lost in a glass case of emotion
Here's my understanding of assessment appeals, illness, etc. IF you are unable to sit the assessment for whatever reason (by that I mean not showing up/not sitting the test) you have to re-sit the test on another date. However, if you sit the test and have a legitimate reason for being unable to perform optimally then you can file an assessment appeal and get the better of your mark on the day or your average mark (to be calculated at the end of the year).

My experience with the whole ordeal when i broke my ribs mid assessment block (or series of assessments, however you want to phrase it). I sat all of my assessments under the influance of super heavy painkillers, quite litterally burllying my vision and hearing. I gave them the required medical cerificates and I will be getting an average mark at the end of the year for those assessment.

I don't know quite how it works for illness as I am generally in good health and haven't had to cross that bridge yet. However because MemmaJK was legitimately ill and if she went to the lengths of getting a medical certificate to prove that she was ill then I think that she would be in a much better state as it sounds that her headache limited her performance.

I guess my only advice to not only MemmaJK but aanyone who reads this tread is:
-If you have the choice of no sitting the test or sitting the test is to sit it and get an average
-Get your medical certificates as close as you can to when you feel ill
-Don't appeal for every single assessment as the number of times you appeal will stay on a record (a bit like the boy cries wolf situation)

Hope this was of some use
Ps. don't stress for exams, its bad for you, chill, no exam will determine your life, you can reach whatever goal you want by different means

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