Two months back I messed up a finger on my left hand (I'm left-handed) playing football and I've been unable to write. I've been to 4 different doctors gotten x-rays/doctors certificates etc but they haven't determined what's wrong with it, and I'm stressing about the HSC because I won't be able to use a writer cause I've done it for assessments etc and I can't do it (time/study).
Do you guys reckon my misadventure application will be upheld? I'm going to go in and write whatever I can, try my best blah blah blah. But yeah Dad's stressin and so am I. Any help would be awesome!. Thanks
Do you guys reckon my misadventure application will be upheld? I'm going to go in and write whatever I can, try my best blah blah blah. But yeah Dad's stressin and so am I. Any help would be awesome!. Thanks