There have been previous threads regarding citation/referencing, but they haven't been able to help me much.
I need to make reference to a document I found on the internet,
Its the HIH Royal Commission Report in html format.
How would I go about referencing it in a footnote and bibliography (I'm using Oxford method).
Here are the relevant details:
HIH Royal Commission Report, April 2003
Volume II: The failure of HIH: reasons, circumstances and responsibilities-Chapter 17:'The demise of HIH'
Webpage: 17.HTML
I need to make reference to a document I found on the internet,
Its the HIH Royal Commission Report in html format.
How would I go about referencing it in a footnote and bibliography (I'm using Oxford method).
Here are the relevant details:
HIH Royal Commission Report, April 2003
Volume II: The failure of HIH: reasons, circumstances and responsibilities-Chapter 17:'The demise of HIH'
Webpage: 17.HTML