IPT Major Project (1 Viewer)


Hates the waiting game...
Sep 28, 2004
2day we received our major project assessment
its worth 30%
its a web page "study aid" we have to make with a multimedia component on it
Can i plz hav sum advice from u guys bout how i should go bout it
its a group task...
heres the task:
U r part of a web page design company that has been approached b the *my schools name* community to develop a web page based "study aid" for yr12 IPT students

outcomes 2 b assessed:
H1.1 applies an understanding of the nature & function of information technologies to a specific practical situation
H3.2 demonstrates ethical practice in the use of information systems, technologies and processes
h5.2 assesses the ethical implications of selecting and using specific resources and tools
h4.1 proposes ways in which info systems will meet emerging needs
h6.1 analyses situations, identifies a need and develops solutions
h7.1 implements effective management techniques
h7.2 uses methods to throughly document the development of individual and/or group projects

project management
designing solutions
testing, evaluating and maintaining
charatersitics of transation processing systems
examples of transcation processesing systems
results from advances in technology
characteristics of multimedia systems
other information processes in mutimedia systems

The journal will b marked at 3 checkpts each worth 10 marks. dates are:
fri week 2
fri week 4
fri week 7
the journal will hav a final mark at the conclusion of the project
the complete project is ude fri june 17 2005-week 8

Assessment criteria:
1. students are required to plan a multimedia project, showing an understanding of project management.
2. students are to work individually within a group to create a project that has been assigned
3. students are to demonstrate an understanding of transaction procesing and its implementation using technology
We'll b working in groups of 3. we will b assessed on the stuff ive scanned and attached.

Please give me advice guys
im comin 1st in IPT atm. i absolutely hate group tasks coz no1 does the work. i always end up doing it. what do i do?
what r the best topics to do
1 person does 1 topic so thats not bad
what topic would b best 4 me?
we havent learnt any of those yet anyway

thanks in advanced peoples


Betazed Ambassador
Oct 16, 2002
in a galaxy far far away
First and foremost draft up you appeal letter
that your teacher made you do a Group work in Year 12
and that your HSC mark is based on the performance of other students and therefore your formal ranking has been significantly effected

ie lets say you as the No1 student get in a group with the No 14 and 21 students and they drag your ranking down to 6th
And the No. 10 student gets with No. 2 and 3 ... and ends up coming 5th
how are you going to feel ??

2. students are to work individually within a group to create a project that has been assigned
I would be insisting that the teacher explain that point
is the journal to be done as an individual or does the group hand in just ONE journal ?

The task as I see it would be solved by creating a Quiz (Multiple choice or Match the terms) for TPS in Frontpage that students could go to to test their knowledge of the subject. I presume as a Group work - one or two students would be involved in creating the questions and maybe getting some relevant graphics - the other student would paste into Frontpage and then hyperlink questions to answers - all should be involved in design of webpage - its layout and general feel - someone needs to do a storyboard ...

but I am so against Group work in Yr 12 all I would want to see atm is the marking scheme to see how much of YOUR mark can be directly effected by OTHER students. :rolleyes:

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