IPT year 12 TPS Project (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
Hey all, im doing an IPT assignment, its pretty dang big, going along fine so far, but i am having trouble covering 2 parts of this essay i need to write (Transaction Processing Systems)

1) Discusses TPS alternatives (5 marks)

Now, this would be alternatives to the current TPSs we are using today right, say, in the event that the system goes down? Like physical cash transactions, calculators, etc batch processing of the transaction data at the end of the day/peroid that the TPS is down?

2) Exlains periodic maintanence (5 marks)

No idea...obviously every system needs maintaining, but how would this occur in a TPS?

Once I've finished writing up the essay, is there anyone here expierenced enough to go through it? I dont want to post it publicly for anyone to rip off, caus i know some people are like that. BUt hey, once im out of school, it will be submitted here :)


yes, my actual brain
Nov 25, 2002
Behind You!!
1) okay, it's quite difficult to give you alternatives when i don't exactly know what kind of TPS or business you are focusing on?
say for a small business, yes, if the system goes down they will still have their written journals and paper invoices as transaction systems...
i'm sure the textbook has examples of alternatives? or i'm just thinking of something else......hmmm

2) every TPS should have a database of information, that database need to be regularly backup, information need to be check for relivance and reliablility, check for accuracy against paper documents which the business should keep on the side, know as journals? can't remember exact name.
furthermore what about harddrive defragmentation? virus scaning?!
maintanence includes replacing of broken hardware?

i'll be more than happy to check your essay for you! BUT you will have to wait 2weeks if that is possible because i have uni finals and i will not have time to read your essay until exams are finished


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
Ah, thankyou.

1) The alternatives are just general alternatives for the TPS, so i geuss any business, large or small

2) thats helpful, i didnt think of any of that, :D *smacks forhead*

I wont bother you with my essay, that is, reading it in 2 weeks, as its due in 8 days, but thanks for the offer nonetheless
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