L01B: ESL/started school in Australia in Years 7 to 10 (current Australian Year 12 applicants only).
To be eligible, you need to satisfy all of the following:
- You are a current Australian Year 12 applicant.
- You experience difficulty with the English language.
- You came directly to Australia from a non-English speaking country.
- You began your education in an Australian school during Years 7 to 10.
It doesn't seem like the school you attended in the country where you previously resided is important considering the eligibility criteria, but rather the fact that you came directly to Australia from a non-English speaking country (which you satisfy). What needs to be demonstrated, however, is that you are experiencing difficulty with the English language. This is where this might become problematic since there is a statement requirement regarding the country and the language in which you undertook your education before coming to Australia. A possible solution to this may be to list the native language of the country you came from as the language in which you undertook your education, instead of listing English, particularly since information about the school(s) you attended in the previous country is not required?
I hope this helps!