The long-awaited newsletter is finally up: Newsletter.pdf
It features an article by myself.
Also, I have pushed for the idea of a first year camp. Now, apparently in the past Comsoc has tried that idea but couldnt get past the Economics and Bus faculty, as they thought that this was a way for us to become a faculty society and other reasons such as insurance.
So, we've come up with a way to convince them (and its working): say that the camp would be 100% an Economics and Business Camp (rather than a Comsoc camp) and we will only run it but leave it as the EcoBusFac camp.
Everything hasn't been finalised, but quiet possibly there will be a camp for first years (and possibly those from other years wanting to go) next year Newsletter.pdf
It features an article by myself.
Also, I have pushed for the idea of a first year camp. Now, apparently in the past Comsoc has tried that idea but couldnt get past the Economics and Bus faculty, as they thought that this was a way for us to become a faculty society and other reasons such as insurance.
So, we've come up with a way to convince them (and its working): say that the camp would be 100% an Economics and Business Camp (rather than a Comsoc camp) and we will only run it but leave it as the EcoBusFac camp.
Everything hasn't been finalised, but quiet possibly there will be a camp for first years (and possibly those from other years wanting to go) next year