preamble: in light of the recent posting habits of this community, i'm afraid that our previous LCM thread has been forced to a closure due to the massive amounts of spiced ham ingested during the course of posting. therefore, this LCM (Thread II) thread [henceforth, "this Thread"] shall be kept strictly and completely spiced ham-free, with a zero-tolerance policy [enforced by our most-astute moderators]. consume your spiced ham elsewhere, in designated consumption threads.
purpose: the purpose of this Thread is to gauge the community's availability and to receive suggestions to the upcoming LCM and provide Lexicographer and myself [henceforth, "the organisers"] some idea of when or how we can organise LCM. please post with the following form structure:
Sample Form
Name: [first name of real name will do]
Unavailabilities: [prefer specific dates, or days of the week. also write specify available dates as definite or indefinite].
Dietary Requirements and Medical Information: [vegetarian and any food allergies]
Preferred Activity 1 (Mid-morning to Midday): [nominate an activity - taking to account lunch will be the main priority]
Preferred Activity 2 (Midday to Afternoon): [nominate an activity]
conclusion: once the organisers have received the community's forms and suggestions we will try to negotiate and settle dates/activities. we will try to settle on a date sometime during o-week. please reply to this Thread with the above form or with suggestions in a succint and spiced ham-free manner.
the organisers of LCM.
edit: for me, exampla gratia,
Name: Wenhui.
Preferred Activity 1 (Mid-morning to Midday): yum-cha.
Preferred Activity 2 (Midday to Afternoon): karaoke, ice-skating, bowling...
purpose: the purpose of this Thread is to gauge the community's availability and to receive suggestions to the upcoming LCM and provide Lexicographer and myself [henceforth, "the organisers"] some idea of when or how we can organise LCM. please post with the following form structure:
Sample Form
Name: [first name of real name will do]
Unavailabilities: [prefer specific dates, or days of the week. also write specify available dates as definite or indefinite].
Dietary Requirements and Medical Information: [vegetarian and any food allergies]
Preferred Activity 1 (Mid-morning to Midday): [nominate an activity - taking to account lunch will be the main priority]
Preferred Activity 2 (Midday to Afternoon): [nominate an activity]
conclusion: once the organisers have received the community's forms and suggestions we will try to negotiate and settle dates/activities. we will try to settle on a date sometime during o-week. please reply to this Thread with the above form or with suggestions in a succint and spiced ham-free manner.
the organisers of LCM.
edit: for me, exampla gratia,
Name: Wenhui.
- unavailable all weekend, with the exception of Sunday the 15th.
- unavailable due to law camp commitments 18th to 20th inclusive.
- unavailable due to o-day commitments 25th.
Preferred Activity 1 (Mid-morning to Midday): yum-cha.
Preferred Activity 2 (Midday to Afternoon): karaoke, ice-skating, bowling...
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