don't need one... the only book I actually recommend buying is the Australian Guide to Legal Citation 3rd edition... you can pretty much download it for free in PDF form from the Melbourne Uni website...
better thing to do would be to:
- Familiarise yourself with all the databases (LexisNexis, CaseBase, Austlii, etc),
- Make an effort to make it to every lecture and tutorial and do most to all tasks assigned to you,
- Familiarise yourself with the library and use it... (Get to know the librarians as well, they help heaps)
- It's next to impossible to do ALL! the readings so be selective on what you read
if you really want one, there is a free Android app... I'm sure there would be one for apple as well... probably can't reference it, it is good for a clarification during a lecture or something... google is your friend when the lecturer is talking jibberish...