Well it is a bit late for applying to most legal places for work experience as they tend to be very popular.
At Slater & Gordon, we understand that workplace learning programs are mutually beneficial for both students and the firm. These programs broaden the student’s experience and understanding of the world of work and career opportunities and also provide the Firm with the opportunity to participate in the education, career development and vocational training of students in our community.
The Firm is often approached by students wishing to complete a period of work experience with us in the following categories:
Secondary school students;
Vocational / Professional Practical Placements;
Seasonal / Summer Clerkships;
Work Experience Clerks.
Students are required to lodge an application which includes a copy of their CV and a Cover Letter stating the position and area of the Firm they are interested in and their reason for choosing Slater & Gordon. This application should be sent to
Due to the overwhelming number of requests received, the firm has limited placement opportunities available.